How many currency pairs should be traded at one time.?
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
, Posted by Ryanita at 4:59 AM
I am a newbie in forex trading and i would like how many currency pair should i trade with.
How many? Are you asking about money managegment, like how many contracts, or how many different pairs to trade at once, like diversification?
If the latter, 2 or 3 things is all you can watch at once, but I don't see the point unless you're swing trading.
If the earlier, stop trading or don't start until you go back to square one and learn everything you can about money management and risk control, or it will eat you alive.
The biggest and most common mistake made by beginners is leverage. Taking advantage of the full 100:1 margin leverage is just insane, and you will lose. Look up the well-know study called Gamblers Ruin. It's not a matter of "if" but rather "when" it will all be over, done, ruined.
How many? Are you asking about money managegment, like how many contracts, or how many different pairs to trade at once, like diversification?
If the latter, 2 or 3 things is all you can watch at once, but I don't see the point unless you're swing trading.
If the earlier, stop trading or don't start until you go back to square one and learn everything you can about money management and risk control, or it will eat you alive.
The biggest and most common mistake made by beginners is leverage. Taking advantage of the full 100:1 margin leverage is just insane, and you will lose. Look up the well-know study called Gamblers Ruin. It's not a matter of "if" but rather "when" it will all be over, done, ruined.
How to pick a stock trading website thats best for me?
take it easy, im just 17 years old and im just in business. Im reading books about stocks and investing but right now i wanna know which site best fits a beginner, and what should i be aware of.
First, you need to decide whats best for you, are you a technical or fundamental trader? learn the terms and concepts. Read through the best trading forums for valuable information and, write down all the terms you find and type em in in wikipedia, wiki is has been alot of help for me. then there are sites for analysis like, - this is best for free realtime charts.
Of course my own blog, my 5 year experience using different methods are written there.
Whats important that you have to find what style really suits you.. long term or short term trading, reading charts or doing fundamental research etc. most beginners usually go for technical analysis because it looks a lot simpler, for that i recommend to learn chart pattern and get "Encyclopedia Of Chart Patterns 2nd edition" That will help you a lot, but after 5 years of constant reading of chart patterns I noticed its not that easy at it seems. At the moment Im discovering some of the hedge fund trading methods and using those, which are highly profitable :p for example pair trading, It took me a lot of pain and sleepless nights to reach this information.
What to avoid is daytrading when you are a beginner, thats a fast way to throw away your money, better yet dont deposit anything in the first few years, until you have paper traded your method for a while and its profitable, otherwise your losses will be guaranteed.
Another thing what to avoid is any kind of stock picks, tips, alerts or anything that is recommending you to buy or sell certain financial instruments, these are mostly scammers. avoid penny stock recommendations, unless youre the scanmmer yourself ;) (read about bump and run). Avoid automated trading robots that earn you guaranteed millions, 99% of them are total BS. Of course there are software that can help you a lot for example pairtradefinder and forex autoclick software.
Internet has endless sources of information, just type in your question and read as many articles you can find.
First, you need to decide whats best for you, are you a technical or fundamental trader? learn the terms and concepts. Read through the best trading forums for valuable information and, write down all the terms you find and type em in in wikipedia, wiki is has been alot of help for me. then there are sites for analysis like, - this is best for free realtime charts.
Of course my own blog, my 5 year experience using different methods are written there.
Whats important that you have to find what style really suits you.. long term or short term trading, reading charts or doing fundamental research etc. most beginners usually go for technical analysis because it looks a lot simpler, for that i recommend to learn chart pattern and get "Encyclopedia Of Chart Patterns 2nd edition" That will help you a lot, but after 5 years of constant reading of chart patterns I noticed its not that easy at it seems. At the moment Im discovering some of the hedge fund trading methods and using those, which are highly profitable :p for example pair trading, It took me a lot of pain and sleepless nights to reach this information.
What to avoid is daytrading when you are a beginner, thats a fast way to throw away your money, better yet dont deposit anything in the first few years, until you have paper traded your method for a while and its profitable, otherwise your losses will be guaranteed.
Another thing what to avoid is any kind of stock picks, tips, alerts or anything that is recommending you to buy or sell certain financial instruments, these are mostly scammers. avoid penny stock recommendations, unless youre the scanmmer yourself ;) (read about bump and run). Avoid automated trading robots that earn you guaranteed millions, 99% of them are total BS. Of course there are software that can help you a lot for example pairtradefinder and forex autoclick software.
Internet has endless sources of information, just type in your question and read as many articles you can find.
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