FOREX Investing Compared to Other Investment Opportunities

Posted by Ryanita on Saturday, August 16, 2008 , under | comments (0)

With over $1.5 trillion changing hands daily, it might be advantageous for you to investigate the extremely lucrative business opportunity involving currency trading.Once the domain of major banks and corporations, this field is now an open playground for the ordinary individual.

The following information gives you a comparison of different investment opportunities in comparison to Forex trading Forex could be the perfect opportunity for you if you are willing to have an open mind and investigate.Equities are dependant on variable factors regarding when to buy and when to sell. With Forex, the opportunity to buy or sell is always present.

Futures require a person to pay exchange fees as well as commission charges. Forex requires no commission charges or fees. Futures also is limited to specific trading hours, whereas Forex is not limited and is available 24/7. Also, with Futures, once a person buys they are basically locked in for a specific amount of time. Forex offers flexibility to change position within seconds at the onset of any variable which could effect the particular economic security. When a late breaking news or factor is announced, bam--a trade is made within seconds.

Real Estate can be devastating to the novice and often requires larger amounts of investments. It is also volatile with the factors which can affect the buying and selling. Ask any real estate investor; they all can tell you the horror stories. The emotional strain of a lingering negative tenant is enough to make any investor throw up their hands and run for the hills. An investor may often have money tied up in an investment for several years depending on the situation involved. Although real estate has been up in value for the past few years, many now believe the market has bottomed out and value is growing at a snail’s pace. Many investors often have to wait on approval from banks in regards to financing or releasing money for financing; therefore, an investor may have his money wrapped up long-term. Forex is extremely flexible.CD’s and Savings Accounts offer security but with little return on the investment dollar. With Forex, a sharp trader can often multiply his investment many times over.

Annuities are mostly safe for the long-term, but if an investor needs to pull his money out for the short term, he may have to pay surrender charges which can range as high as 6-8% if withdrawn within the first 6 to 8 years. In his article entitled, “Are Annuities a Worthwhile Investment, Don Taylor, Ph.D., CFA ( states that “most investors would be better off considering annuities as a last resort rather than a first choice when it comes to creating an investment portfolio.

There is a learning curve with Forex; however, the investment in time may pay multiple benefits in terms of investment. There are many avenues to achieve wealth, but few as flexible and lucrative as Forex. With a 24/7 timetable, a person can be in business starting with just a few hundred dollars, the right training and a computer. This flexibility allows a person to work from the comfort of their own home and be in control.

What is an Online Forex Trading?

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For-ex stands for Foreign Exchange; it is a global market for dealing currencies at floating exchange rates. The foreign exchange is world’s biggest currency market, on an average everyday dollar one to two trillion is traded in the foreign exchange. The trade is mostly done over the internet and telephone lines. Online forex trading is a fast, safe and easy mode of investing. It offers huge returns like twenty to thirty percent every month, yes unbelievable but truth, however that’s only in some cases and you need a lot of experience to be able to extract that amount of interest!

There is no fixed centre for the trade so all the trade is done over telephone, internet and fax. The foreign exchange trade witnessed a massive boom only after online forex trading systems were introduced, internet and telephone has helped the trade grow from $70 billion a day in the 80s to around $1.5 trillion to $2 trillion today.

The currency market is made up of around five thousand institutions most of which are international banks, central government banks, commercial companies as well as big brokers and all these are connected with each other and do business on the go through online forex trading system. The major centers for online forex trading are New York, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bombay among others, and all these centers also communicate and deal through online forex trading. The benefits of online forex trading are listed below:

Currency market never sleeps: online forex trading allows you to keep track and deal from anywhere at anytime.- Mini accounts: some websites offer mini accounts that allow you to get started with as less as $200.- No Commission! – Online forex trading is commission free, there’s no exchange or hidden fee either. Your broker earns from the spreads.- Instant: it’s instant unlike offline trade which may involve paperwork.

The nature of the market is such that risk comes inherent and can not be separated but risk can be minimized if you are trading at the right point of time and the right point of time can be anytime only online forex trading allows you to be there at the right time as all other methods as explained above are slow and usually take up a lot of time in processing.

Money Management Basics for Forex Traders

Posted by Ryanita on Thursday, August 14, 2008 , under | comments (0)

Money management in the foreign exchange currency market requires educating yourself in a variety of financial areas. First, a definition of the foreign exchange currency or forex market is called for. The forex market is simply the exchange of the currency of one country for the currency of another. The relative values of various currencies in the world change on a regular basis. Factors such as the stability of the economy of a country, the gross national product, the gross domestic product, inflation, interest rates, and such obvious factors as domestic security and foreign relations come into play. For instance, if a country has an unstable government, is expecting a military takeover, or is about to become involved in a war, then the country’s currency may go down in relative value compared to the currency of other countries.

There are five major forex exchange markets in the world, New York, London, Frankfurt, Paris, Tokyo and Zurich. Forex trading occurs around the clock in various markets, Asian, European, and American. With different time zones, when Asian trading stops, European trading opens, and conversely when European trading stops, American trading opens, and when American trading stops, then it is time for Asian trading to begin again.

Most of the trading in the world occurs in the forex markets; smaller markets for trade in individual countries. Simply put forex trading is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. Over $1.4 trillion dollars, US of forex trading occurs daily and sometimes fortunes are made or lost in this market. The billionaire George Soros has made most of his money in forex trading. Successfully managing your money in forex trading requires an understanding of the bid/ask spread.

Simply put the bid ask spread is the difference between the price at which something is offered for sale and the price that it is actually purchased for. For instance, if the ask price is 100 dollars, and the bid is 102 dollars then the difference is two dollars, the spread. Many forex traders trade on margin. Trading on margin is buying and selling assets that are worth more than the money in your account. Since currency exchange rates on any given day are usually less than two percent, forex trading is done with a small margin. To use an example, with a one percent margin a trader can trade up to $250,000 even if he only has $5,000 in his account. This means the trade has leverage of 50 to one. This amount of leverage allows a trader to make good profits very quickly. Of course, with the chance of high profits also comes high risk.People who do forex trading do so because they are attracted by 24 hour trading days, by strong liquidity – unlike stocks, buying and selling is almost instantaneous – and the fact that forex trading usually occurs without paying commissions.

Like many other speculative investments, a key part of money management for the forex trader is only using money that can be put at risk. It is wise to set aside a portion of your net worth and make that the only money you use in forex trading. While the chances of good profits are there, if you should have a problem and get wiped out, you’ll only have a limited amount of money placed at risk. Also remember that the market is n constant motion. There are always trading opportunities. If a currency is becoming stronger or weaker in relation to other currencies there is always a chance for profit. For instance, if you believe that the Euro is gong to become weak compared to the US dollar then selling Euros is a good bet. If you believe that the dollar is going to become weaker than the yen, or the pound sterling, then selling dollars is wise. Staying current on the news and current events in the countries whose currency you hold is a smart move. Many people reach points where they can predict currency changes based on political or economic news in a given country. Remember though that forex trading is speculation, so be careful when managing your funds and only invest what you can afford to risk.

Rules for Trading in Forex Markets

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Being new to trading in Forex markets can be a little intimidating. Although many people desire to learn about trading in the Forex, those who begin learning about the trading system find the rules and strategy tactics to be overwhelming at times. While there are rules that you will simply learn along the way, such as price limits and such, there are a few steadfast rules you should know before you make your first move in the Forex market. Use these three rules to help you get started and successfully maneuver throughout the foreign exchange market.Don’t Over Leverage Your Portfolio

When you are just starting out in the Forex, it can be really easy to get caught up in the leverage of the market. The great thing about leverage is that someone who is not investing as much as other larger traders can play with the “big boys†and potentially makes a good profit. An investor can expect to only need to back their investment up to 4% in most cases. This can get some people in trouble however. When you choose to abuse this system, you can end up with a lot of debt. You should never over leverage your portfolio. Be responsible when trading and remember that you are trading larger amounts that you probably have in your portfolio. Keeping yourself grounded is the best way to make sure you use the Forex market to your best potential.

Know When to Quit
Another simple rule for trading in the Forex market is to know when to quit. In turn, this can also mean knowing when to let things stay as they are. There are no way around having occasional trades that have a negative impact on your finances. Not every trade you make will be a hugely successful one. If life were fair, this may not be true, but in the foreign exchange market, where things change by the minute, there is no way to guarantee every trade will reap rewards. Keep in mind that even the most seasoned foreign exchange market traders have bad trades. Your ultimate goal in trading in the Forex should be to try to come out with more wins than losses.

To make it easier to come out ahead at the end of the day, you should always know when to fold on a deal. Never let deals that you know are losing simply happen because you are praying something will change or to save your pride. Be sure to get out losing the least amount of money as possible. This is a strategy every great trader uses. Watch your trades closely so you can get out when you should. If you have researched the trade before, you will know what the breaking points likely are and be able to make this decision easily. Knowing when to leave well enough alone, alone, is another thing you must learn. Learn to be patient with your trades, especially if they are not in a negative position.

How to Use a Relative Strength Analysis in Forex Trading

Posted by Ryanita on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 , under | comments (0)

The relative strength analysis is a technical report that allows investors and brokers to make informed decisions about trading on the Forex. The Forex, also known as the FX or foreign exchange market is the most liquid of all markets in the world. Over two trillion dollars changes hands everyday through the foreign exchange market. There are many factors that affect both the stock market and the foreign exchange market.

When investors and brokers look at the relative strength analysis, they are getting a picture of how the trends in the Forex should go. This analysis allows brokers to see current trends in the foreign exchange market and allows them to know if they are interested in buying or selling currency at any given time. This can help an investor or financial institution make educated decisions on which markets are gaining and which ones are losing.

There are many factors that affect the exchange rate in the Forex. These factors can include political events, governmental policies, inflation, and current trends in the importing and exporting business, consumer opinions and even natural disasters all over the world. The relative strength analysis looks at all of these factors. The past trends in the Forex are also taken into consideration, but are not the only thing that is looked at when forecasting this type of market.

The relative strength analysis compares all foreign currency and the exchange rates every day. The report will then be sorted by their strength rating and ranked according the previous week’s rating. This report relies on at least 45 weeks of data so that sustained growth can be seen with ease. Using this analysis promises to be one of the most valuable tools of forecast the trends in the Forex. In addition, it can show the rating of stocks and rate them into which ones are the strongest. The stock market has a direct relation to the foreign exchange market because it reflects current trends in buying and selling, which will increase or decrease the value of currency.

The current trend in predicting the trends in the Forex is to use not only the relative strength analysis, but to also look at other factors such as the stock market barometers and economic factors. When investors and brokers look into all of these factors when forecasting the Forex, it makes for a highly reliable means of predicting trends. This can be the vital difference between making money and losing money on the foreign exchange market.It is generally agreed that for a currency trader, it is important to understand how the methods and tools are used in both the Forex and the stock market. All currencies are different and the currency rate reflects the value of one currency in relation to another. When there is a noticeable change in the value of currency, one or both values will be affected. Using these methods of comparing the relative strength analysis to the Forex can offer currency traders with an opportunity to better forecast their trades.

There are several benefits to using the relative strength analysis when attempting to forecast the Forex. When an investor looks at the relative strength of a certain stock, it affects the foreign exchange rate. One with a strong relative strength is ideal, but the value on these will not be low. Investors can look at a stock that is increasing in values and used the relative strength to measure whether or not this particular stock is moving up because it has a history of increasing or if it has a sustained high value. Stocks with a good relative strength over a constant, steady time period are good performers in the Forex market.

When using the relative strength analysis in relation to the foreign currency exchange, it is possible to tell which markets are performing well and which ones are not. The key is finding the markets and currency that are moving up on the ranking scale. It is important to remember that like stocks, the Forex is affected by a variety of factors. The relative strength analysis can help investors find which ones are good investments. This report is based mostly on a stock’s closing price and the relative strength analysis is based on gains and losses. The report can calculate the markets report for any period in time.

UAE warns markets against betting on dirham revaluation

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The United Arab Emirates warned markets against betting on a dirham revaluation as investors piled pressure on the region's dollar pegs, expecting Gulf rulers to change currency policy at a summit next week.

The UAE was able to withstand pressure from speculators who drove the dirham to a 17-year high on Friday, al-Khaleej newspaper quoted Central Bank Governor Sultan Nasser al-Suweidi as saying, echoing a warning from Bahrain's central bank.

Suweidi ratcheted up expectations Gulf oil producers would sever links to the tumbling dollar, when he called last month for the region to track a currency basket to check inflation.

The speaker of Bahrain's parliament joined a chorus of calls for currency reform, proposing the government track the dinar against a currency basket as fellow Gulf oil producer Kuwait has been doing since May, al-Ayam newspaper reported. In remarks carried by Dubai-based Khaleej, Suweidi moved to quell investor expectations that a change was imminent.

"Their speculation will not yield the gains they expect," Suweidi said in remarks initially aired on state-owned Dubai TV, according to the newspaper.

Bahrain's central bank threatened to take action against anyone betting on dinar appreciation and accused foreign banks of spreading revaluation rumours, Middle East Economic Digest reported after an interview with Governor Rasheed al-Maraj. Kuwait's central bank also warned investors against speculating on a revaluation in March.

In May it dropped the peg to the dollar saying the US currency's slide was fuelling inflation by making some imports more expensive. Suweidi said the UAE central bank was not "currently" considering dropping the peg and any decision would be made by the government with other Gulf oil producers preparing for monetary union as early as 2010,

Posted by Ryanita on Sunday, August 10, 2008 , under | comments (0)

Ride the Wave – The Elliott Wave Theory for Forex Markets

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One of the best known and least understood theories of technical analysis in forex trading is the Elliot Wave Theory. Developed in the 1920s by Ralph Nelson Elliot as a method of predicting trends in the stock market, the Elliot Wave theory applies fractal mathematics to movements in the market to make predictions based on crowd behavior. In its essence, the Elliot Wave theory states that the market – in this case, the forex market – moves in a series of 5 swings upward and 3 swings back down, repeated perpetually. But if it were that simple, everyone would be making a killing by catching the wave and riding it until just before it crashes on the shore. Obviously, there’s a lot more to it.

One of the things that makes riding the Elliot Wave so tricky is timing – of all the major wave theories, it’s the only one that doesn’t put a time limit on the reactions and rebounds of the market. A single In fact, the theories of fractal mathematics makes it clear that there are multiple waves within waves within waves. Interpreting the data and finding the right curves and crests is a tricky process, which gives rise to the contention that you can put 20 experts on the Elliot Wave theory in one room and they will never reach an agreement on which way a stock – or in this case, a currency – is headed.

Elliot Wave Basics
ï‚· Every action is followed by a reaction.

It’s a standard rule of physics that applies to the crowd behavior on which the Elliot Wave theory is based. If prices drop, people will buy. When people buy, the demand increases and supply decreases driving prices back up. Nearly every system that uses trend analysis to predict the movements of the currency market is based on determining when those actions will cause reactions that make a trade profitable.

ï‚· There are five waves in the direction of the main trend followed by three corrective waves (a “5-3″ move).

The Elliot Wave theory is that market activity can be predicted as a series of five waves that move in one direction (the trend) followed by three ‘corrective’ waves that move the market back toward its starting point.

ï‚· A 5-3 move completes a cycle.
And here’s where the theory begins to get truly complex. Like the mirror reflecting a mirror that reflects a mirror that reflects a mirror, the each 5-3 wave is not only complete in itself, it is a superset of a smaller series of waves, and a subset of a larger set of 5-3 waves – the next principle.

 This 5-3 move then becomes two subdivisions of the next higher 5-3 wave.In Elliot Wave notation, the 5 waves that fit the trend are labeled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (impulses). The three correcting waves are called a, b and c (corrections). Each of these waves is made up of a 5-3 series of waves, and each of those is made up of a 5-3 series of waves. The 5-3 cycle that you’re studying is an impulse and correction in the next ascending 5-3 series.

 The underlying 5-3 pattern remains constant, though the time span of each may vary.A 5-3 wave may take decades to complete – or it may be over in minutes. Traders who are successful in using the Elliot Wavy theory to trade in the currency market say that the trick is timing trades to coincide with the beginning and end of impulse 3 to minimize your risk and maximize your profit.

Because the timing of each sequence of waves varies so much, using the Elliot Wave theory is very much a matter of interpretation. Identifying the best time to enter and leave a trade is dependent on being able to see and follow the pattern of larger and smaller waves, and to know when to trade and when to get out based on the patterns you identify

The key is in interpreting the pattern correctly – in finding the right starting point. Once you learn to see the wave patterns and identify them correctly, say those who are experts, you’ll see how they apply in every facet of forex trading, and will be able to use those patterns to trigger your decisions whether you’re day trading or in it for the long haul.