Is FOREX 4 Real?Plz Help?

Friday, January 31, 2014 , Posted by Ryanita at 7:00 PM


I mean can i realy make REAL good money with it or what?
&if so any advices?
&how much should i invest at the beging

Yes, Forex is real. It is the largest financial market in the world trading over $3 trillion in daily volume compared to the NYSE's $30+/- billion daily.

You can make good money...and you can lose good money. Those Forex accounts that make money far outperform most other asset classes. However, the majority of Forex traders don't make money. The key to making it in Forex is staying disciplined, using proper money management, and understanding what makes the market move. If you can master those three aspects you can be successful trading Forex.

Here is an articles we have written on the subject that could help.

Metatrader Expert Advisors - Which Forex Software Complements Metatrader 4?

Bryan W

Forex Tracer is among the better Metatrader expert advisors out there. It complements Metatrader 4 on every front, mining, analyzing and reporting on profitable spreads from the 24 hour forex market.

I've been in the Asia Pacific forex markets for over 8 years and the Forex Tracer + MetaTrader 4 combination works best in the current market scenario.

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