Forex trading training?

Saturday, March 22, 2014 , Posted by Ryanita at 12:57 PM


Please recommend the best forex trading trainers in the UK and the USA to me.

It depends on what technique you are leaning towards in your Forex experience.

If you are into technical trading and working with charts I would highly recommend Wayne McDonell at

If you are more of a "gambler" and an "adrenalin junky" and want the stress of trading the news (or Fundamental investing). I would recommend Rob Grespi at

If you are just starting out and want to get an awesome education I would recommend a free solution at

If you simply want to make a nice, consistent return utilizing the power of the Forex market as a part of a long term investment strategy I would suggest that you send me an email.

May all your guesses be good ones.

Paul Upp

Forex && News Releases?


When are the news releases for the EUR and USD

is there a set period of time like 8am EST they come out? or does it vary?

this would really help, THANK YOU!

PS: Don't forget to include time zone, EST is mine



That's the joy of forex trading. There is no central market for currencies. Any news, any time, anywhere in the world that involves international trade, international investments, relative interest rates, or political stability will have an effect on forex rates. The most liquid markets for any currency occur during normal banking hours in major banking centers that use the currency as local money. That means for the EUR 0800 to 1600 Frankfurt time and for the USD 0800 to 1600 New York time. I personally like 0800-1000 New York time because there is still activity in Europe.

The most important news about forex is never "released". If the Bank of China is adjusting its foreign currency reserves and moving many billions for EUR to USD or AUD or the other way around, the last thing they want is for anybody to know that they're doing it. That's why technical analysis is king in forex: they can't hide the activity on the charts.

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